Digital Signatures for Microsoft Office

  • Prove document origin
  • Add approval signatures
  • Prevent tampering
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Why should you digitally sign your documents?

Placing a digital signature on a document or email proves the information originated with the signer and that the document has not been altered, all while replacing tedious, paper-based processes.

Authenticity -the digital signature helps to verify and assure that the signer (such as the document author or the email sender) is who he or she claims to be

Integrity - the digital signature helps to assure that the content of the document or email has not been changed or tampered with since it was digitally signed

Non-repudiation - the digital signature helps to prove to all parties the origin of the signed content

Benefits of Digitally Signing Microsoft Office Documents

  • Enable secure electronic document workflows
  • Ensure document integrity and authorship
  • Save time and resources by replacing paper-based workflows
  • Meet compliance requirements associated with electronic workflows

Benefits of Digitally Signing Microsoft Outlook Emails

  • Authenticate email sender
  • Ensure integrity of email contents
  • Provide visual “seal” to distinguish signed emails from phishing attacks

Document Types Supported

Digital Signatures are supported in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Outlook, allowing you to add trust and integrity to various corporate documents and communications.

MS Word
MS Excel
Microsoft Outlook

GlobalSign offers varying levels of digital signatures for Microsoft Office

Certificate Type PersonalSign1 PersonalSign2 Pro (via Enterprise PKI) PersonalSign2 for Organization AATL Certificate for Adobe PDF or Microsoft Office Signing
Use Case for Digital Certificate Personal Use For an Employee of a company For Department For an Employee of a company
Validity Period of Certificate 1 or 3 years 1-3 years 1-3 years 1-3 years
Who Needs It? Individuals (not affiliated with an organization) – Example: Students and retirees Professionals - Employees associated with an Organization Professionals - Employees associated with an Organization Employees associated with an Organization who need to digitally sign Office documents PLUS Adobe PDF documents
Ideal for Signing the Following Document Types - Sign Microsoft Office documents - Sign Microsoft Office documents - Sign Microsoft Office documents - Sign Microsoft Office documents
- Adobe PDF documents
Long Term Validity (LTV) of Signature No – Microsoft Office doesn’t natively support LTV signatures No – Microsoft Office doesn’t natively support LTV signatures No – Microsoft Office doesn’t natively support LTV signatures Yes – when signing Adobe PDFs, AATL signatures offering LTV signatures. Meaning your signature is valid even after your certificate expires
Outlook Email Signing Provides verification of email sender’s address only Provides verification of email senders address, name and organization Provides verification of departmental email address and organization Not Applicable, AATL is strictly for document signing
Identity Verified in Certificate and Resulting Signature Email Address ONLY
Email Address, Named Individual, & Organization
e.g. Joe Smith
ABC Company
Named Department
e.g. Accounting
Named Individual and Organization
(Joe Smith
ABC Company
Support Online Knowledge Base Only Email, Web, and Live Chat Email, Web, and Live Chat Phone, Email, Web, and Live Chat
1 year
2 years Not Available -
3 years -
Use Case for Digital Certificate Personal Use
Validity Period of Certificate 1 or 3 years
Who Needs It? Individuals (not affiliated with an organization) – Example: Students and retirees
Ideal for Signing the Following Document Types - Sign Microsoft Office documents
Long Term Validity (LTV) of Signature No – Microsoft Office doesn’t natively support LTV signatures
Outlook Email Signing Provides verification of email sender’s address only
Identity Verified in Certificate and Resulting Signature Email Address ONLY
Support Online Knowledge Base Only
1 year
2 years Not Available
3 years
PersonalSign2 Pro (via Enterprise PKI)
Use Case for Digital Certificate For an Employee of a company
Validity Period of Certificate 1-3 years
Who Needs It? Professionals - Employees associated with an Organization
Ideal for Signing the Following Document Types - Sign Microsoft Office documents
Long Term Validity (LTV) of Signature No – Microsoft Office doesn’t natively support LTV signatures
Outlook Email Signing Provides verification of email senders address, name and organization
Identity Verified in Certificate and Resulting Signature Email Address, Named Individual, & Organization
e.g. Joe Smith
ABC Company
Support Email, Web, and Live Chat
1 year
2 years
3 years
PersonalSign2 for Organization
Use Case for Digital Certificate For Department
Validity Period of Certificate 1-3 years
Who Needs It? Professionals - Employees associated with an Organization
Ideal for Signing the Following Document Types - Sign Microsoft Office documents
Long Term Validity (LTV) of Signature No – Microsoft Office doesn’t natively support LTV signatures
Outlook Email Signing Provides verification of departmental email address and organization
Identity Verified in Certificate and Resulting Signature Named Department
e.g. Accounting
Support Email, Web, and Live Chat
1 year
2 years
3 years
AATL Certificate for Adobe PDF or Microsoft Office Signing
Use Case for Digital Certificate For an Employee of a company
Validity Period of Certificate 1-3 years
Who Needs It? Employees associated with an Organization who need to digitally sign Office documents PLUS Adobe PDF documents
Ideal for Signing the Following Document Types - Sign Microsoft Office documents
- Adobe PDF documents
Long Term Validity (LTV) of Signature Yes – when signing Adobe PDFs, AATL signatures offering LTV signatures. Meaning your signature is valid even after your certificate expires
Outlook Email Signing Not Applicable, AATL is strictly for document signing
Identity Verified in Certificate and Resulting Signature Named Individual and Organization
(Joe Smith
ABC Company
Support Phone, Email, Web, and Live Chat
1 year
2 years -
3 years -

Please ensure to order your certificate from the Region where the company in the certificate is based, and with the correct currency. If your certificate request upon ordering does not match these criteria, your order may risk being delayed, and/or not being processed.

Select Region

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